Wednesday 23 October 2024
Wednesday 23 October 2024
Manufactured by: BIP (Germany)

The stationery ultrasonic-testing device allows the track area to inspect automatically all mounted wheelsets on a start-stop shunted train. The testing of individual areas, such as thread, rim or flange longitudinal, transverse, volume, and surface errors, can be defined via the evaluation of parameters of the forthcoming maintenance arrangments.

Innovative characteristic:
  • Simultaneous testing of 4 wheels in the bogie
  • Robot-supported probe coupling or coupling with a dedicated probe carrier
  • The train is clocked by a shunter from bogie to bogie or delf-propelled
  • Testing of bogies with different wheelbases
  • Acoustic signal for the operator if notice is found in the wheel (optional)
  • Optionally use of phased array ultrasonic technology or current probes is possible


The in-the-track area mobile ultrasonic testing device enabled to test automatically all wheelsets under mounted state on the stationary train. In accordance with the general state testing requirements will be the results displayed or stored. From the testing of individual areas, transverse and volume errors can be detected and the forthcoming maintenance arrangments can be defined.

The device makes it possible to test various wheelset types in the depot. The entire data acquisition and processing takes place on the device. The online results are displayed on the associated computer outside the system.

the data transmitted via W-LPAN, omitting the need for a complex cable connection.						
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