Sunday 13 October 2024
Sunday 13 October 2024

about us

Parizan Sanat company in 1974 with the name Parashin and with the mission of importing equipment a repair shop was established. Parashin company is engaged in the production of repair shop equipment It started in 1982 and changed its name to Parisan Sanat Company from 1988.

After 20 years of history, Parizan Sanat Company has its old slogan
The future is owned by the pioneers of new technology
changed and believes that:

Parizan Sanat Company in the following years with the purchase of General Tools Company and establishment Khodro-Azamasenjesh companies, expansion of Parizan Sanat services in Iran and the company Boltech became a group (holding) in Italy and registered the Italian brand.

Today, Parizan Sanat group in the field of design and production, import and export of all equipment Repair, cleaning, tools, industrial balance and detergents are pioneers in Iran.9

Quality , Flexibility & Trust

1) It will never sacrifice quality for price.

2) The speed of changes in the world is indescribable and industry leaders should be at the maximum
Flexibility to meet the new needs of customers.

3) The success of Parizan Sanat Group in gaining the trust of customers by providing services and products
It is quality.

ضبط پیام صوتی

زمان هر پیام صوتی 5 دقیقه است